Thursday, November 01, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
William Hundley Photography
Now this is art, or is it Photography? Whatever it is we like it. Check out the gallery:
William Hundley "with cheeseburgers 2 -The Sequel" © 2007
William Hundley "with cheeseburgers 1" © 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 05, 2006
Gateway Grizzlies' Burger
(Photo From CBS News)
With a headline like "The World's Most Unhealthist Burger?" how could we not be interested. We have not been able to actually sample one of these first hand, but next time we're in St. Louis you will be the first to know what we think. BB.
CBSNEWS- It could be the world's unhealthiest snack. The ultimate in fast-food indulgence is cooked up, not by a restaurant chain, but by a minor-league baseball club, reports CBS News correspondent Cynthia Bowers.
Despite having a charming ballpark just outside St. Louis, the Gateway Grizzlies will likely never be renowned for their brand of baseball — one step below Single-A ball.
But they're already famous at the concession stand. Or should that be infamous?
It's sweet like a doughnut, and then you've got the hamburger. You’ve read that right. It's a burger with cheese and bacon, sandwiched between a Krispy Kreme doughnut — a heart attack waiting to happen. A burger so perfect, they say, tampering is discouraged.
“You're ruining it! You're not supposed to put ketchup on it!” Bowers says to a diner.
“Well, I don't know. It's my first time,” he replies.
For a mere $4.50 it's breakfast, dinner, and a little dessert all in one. That it packs up to 1,000 calories — the donut alone has 10 grams of sugar — doesn't seem to faze diabetic diner Floyd Schuetz.
“Oh, I’ll have another one of these,” he says.
Nor does it faze three fans — two in their 80s — who passed up the peanuts and crackerjacks for this.
Asked if she was worried about the health ramifications, Betty Osborne says “No, not tonight. Tonight I'm living it up.”
After trying a bite — Bowers says she would normally never eat a burger like this, but she would make the sacrifice in the interest of journalistic integrity — she says it is better than she expected.
“I don’t know that I would do this again, but it’s pretty good,” says Bowers.
The Grizzlies say "cheesy" gimmicks like this are crucial to the team's bottom line.
“With minor league baseball we have to work extremely hard to get fans to come out here,” says the Grizzlies’ Jeff O’Neill.
Which begs the question — what's next?
“We were in the concession stand the other day trying to come up with 'Baseball's Best Pizza.' "
Let’s just hope it's not going to be be on a Krispy Kreme crust.
Cynthia Bowers ©MMVI, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
With a headline like "The World's Most Unhealthist Burger?" how could we not be interested. We have not been able to actually sample one of these first hand, but next time we're in St. Louis you will be the first to know what we think. BB.
CBSNEWS- It could be the world's unhealthiest snack. The ultimate in fast-food indulgence is cooked up, not by a restaurant chain, but by a minor-league baseball club, reports CBS News correspondent Cynthia Bowers.
Despite having a charming ballpark just outside St. Louis, the Gateway Grizzlies will likely never be renowned for their brand of baseball — one step below Single-A ball.
But they're already famous at the concession stand. Or should that be infamous?
It's sweet like a doughnut, and then you've got the hamburger. You’ve read that right. It's a burger with cheese and bacon, sandwiched between a Krispy Kreme doughnut — a heart attack waiting to happen. A burger so perfect, they say, tampering is discouraged.
“You're ruining it! You're not supposed to put ketchup on it!” Bowers says to a diner.
“Well, I don't know. It's my first time,” he replies.
For a mere $4.50 it's breakfast, dinner, and a little dessert all in one. That it packs up to 1,000 calories — the donut alone has 10 grams of sugar — doesn't seem to faze diabetic diner Floyd Schuetz.
“Oh, I’ll have another one of these,” he says.
Nor does it faze three fans — two in their 80s — who passed up the peanuts and crackerjacks for this.
Asked if she was worried about the health ramifications, Betty Osborne says “No, not tonight. Tonight I'm living it up.”
After trying a bite — Bowers says she would normally never eat a burger like this, but she would make the sacrifice in the interest of journalistic integrity — she says it is better than she expected.
“I don’t know that I would do this again, but it’s pretty good,” says Bowers.
The Grizzlies say "cheesy" gimmicks like this are crucial to the team's bottom line.
“With minor league baseball we have to work extremely hard to get fans to come out here,” says the Grizzlies’ Jeff O’Neill.
Which begs the question — what's next?
“We were in the concession stand the other day trying to come up with 'Baseball's Best Pizza.' "
Let’s just hope it's not going to be be on a Krispy Kreme crust.
Cynthia Bowers ©MMVI, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Rare-January 26
The Basic Rare with Table-O-FriesThe
MiniBurger Special
The Village outpost of the Lexington Avenue burger shrine has opened on Bleecker and how could we pass that up? Since we are incredibly lazy, hardly intrepid, a burger within four or five blocks is our kind of burger. And Rare did not disappoint. Though you better come to party cause this is no 'joint'. Four burger fans got our boeuf on for the tidy sum of 85 bucks. But who's counting? The burgers and fries did not disappoint and they do offer a bit of an interesting offer in the miniburger special. Every day there is a new combination that the chef chooses of three small burgers, though they are not at all small, with various toppings. On this day, the selection was a Mexican burger that actually was mislabeled cause it had frickin mozzarella and pesto on it, a swiss and caramelized onion burger, and a plain burger with nought but truffle butter dripped all over it. All of these on very delicious, slightly fired brioche type buns. And they are nice little patties, not much smaller than a typical homemade burger from your own poorly stocked, ill-outfitted kitchen. And they were fantastic. The juice was dripping everywhere, the variety made it very much fun, and the fries were great. As I am someething of an 'over-eater' I polished off the lot of them and the lion's share of the fries and I don't regret it for a moment. Plus, in a nod to our deep investment in this lunch and hopefully a sheepish concession to the ridiculous notion of luxe burger eating, refrills on coke were free.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Spotted Pig Update
Look who booked the Spotted Pig for a party. President Clinton. If anyone knows where to get a good burger and fries...
Read Article
Read Article
Friday, November 18, 2005
The Burger Joint
Okay, these are proper sliders though that word kind of makes me gag everytime i hear it (or write it). On a very basic, wonder bread type bun, sit little freshly formed, freshly griddled patties that are highly delicious. Cheese and grilled onions are the only toppings on offer and the price, 1 dollar for a plain burger, 1.25 for a cheeseburger is right. The onions are free. (do NOT order a hamburger with cheese, you will be scorned) French fries on our trip were good though not revelatory, probably owing to a slow day and a pretty decent cold spell that rendered the interior of the glass storefronted space very chilly and humid. But next time, oh next time....