Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Spotted Pig - April 5th

West Village: This is a seriously delicious burger. Elegantly minimal, and artfully prepared and plated. The chewy bun was patterned on top by the grill like a peanut butter cookie and the burger inside was slathered with blue cheese as its only topping. It was actually tough putting ketchup on it as you knew the chef wanted no sullying of her art but who ever had a burger worth eating without ketchup? The shoestring fries were nearly as good as the burger and probably far more addictive. They were fried with sliced garlic and rosemary in the oil and they had so much aroma and flavor and friggin crunch that L and I nearly died. Actually we were fine until the bill came and we had spent 30 dollars each at lunch but for a burger this satisfying and rarefied plus a couple glasses of the house brew, you gots to drop some dough.

Join us on our adventure to eat our way across New York's burger landscape. Well, most of it. Using the West Village and SOHO as our launching points cause thats where we work at (and brooklyn cause thats where we stay at (big ups)), and having a dog-eared copy of TONY's NYC's 100 Best Burgers issue as our guide, we will proceed to house burger after burger in the name of science, gluttony, and... well mostly science and gluttony. Okay, mostly gluttony, but at least we mean it. We will, from time to time, stray from the burger path to survey some of the city's other meaty options, the nascent nyc barbecue revolution, the sausages of every stripe, the racks of roast fowl, but for the most part, its burgers we seek and we won't stop til we get enough. So grease it up, grab your heinz and your dill chips, and unwrap your kraft singles cause we're about to turn this burger out.
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