Rare-January 26

The Basic Rare with Table-O-FriesThe

MiniBurger Special
The Village outpost of the Lexington Avenue burger shrine has opened on Bleecker and how could we pass that up? Since we are incredibly lazy, hardly intrepid, a burger within four or five blocks is our kind of burger. And Rare did not disappoint. Though you better come to party cause this is no 'joint'. Four burger fans got our boeuf on for the tidy sum of 85 bucks. But who's counting? The burgers and fries did not disappoint and they do offer a bit of an interesting offer in the miniburger special. Every day there is a new combination that the chef chooses of three small burgers, though they are not at all small, with various toppings. On this day, the selection was a Mexican burger that actually was mislabeled cause it had frickin mozzarella and pesto on it, a swiss and caramelized onion burger, and a plain burger with nought but truffle butter dripped all over it. All of these on very delicious, slightly fired brioche type buns. And they are nice little patties, not much smaller than a typical homemade burger from your own poorly stocked, ill-outfitted kitchen. And they were fantastic. The juice was dripping everywhere, the variety made it very much fun, and the fries were great. As I am someething of an 'over-eater' I polished off the lot of them and the lion's share of the fries and I don't regret it for a moment. Plus, in a nod to our deep investment in this lunch and hopefully a sheepish concession to the ridiculous notion of luxe burger eating, refrills on coke were free.